A Simple Way to End the Year Strong

A simple way to end the year strong involves allowing yourself a little space for three activities. First, focusing your attention. Second, celebrating your accomplishments. Third, assessing what worked and what didn’t and feeding that into your new years plans. Sounds simple, right? Yes, it’s a simple outline, but the practice of it is less simple. It can actually be rather confusing and messy. There are many factors that go into the decisions about where you put your focus. Additionally, there are nuances to how you identify accomplishments for the year and especially discerning what worked and what didn’t. Not to mention, this may not be your preferred time for planning and that’s okay too. Ending the year strong is about YOU and your definition of what that means.

In this episode of Unlimited, we sift through the factors and nuances of the year to clarify a simple way to end the year strong that works for you.

Some of what I talk about in this episode includes:

  • How to focus and de-stress the holidays
  • Wrap up the year with a positive focus
  • Reviewing and setting a word of the year
  • What to consider when new year goal setting
  • Build self-trust and lean into growth


Resource page with ‘What to Say’ Download

7 Ways to Reduce Holiday Stress

Setting Holiday Boundaries

Rest Is Resistance by Tricia Hersey

Holiday Support Coaching Session

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