Unlimited is a podcast for badass women who are on a journey to release learned limitations and live a more present, fun, and intentional life.

Tune in for inspiration and tools to help you reach for the stars while keeping your feet on the ground.

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Unlimited Podcast episodes:

Realigning Your Core Values

By Valerie Friedlander

Realigning your core values requires exploring both what is consciously important to you AND your societal conditioning. Your values, both conscious and subconscious, shape your decisions and motivate our behavior. If you find yourself feeling stuck, drained, or sabotaging what you say you want, it’s likely you have a subconscious values conflict. There are 5…

Navigating our Relationship with Death Podcast Blog Cover

Navigating our Relationship with Death

By Valerie Friedlander

Navigating our relationship with death is a profound part of our human experience, yet we often avoid talking about it. This avoidance not only prevents us from asking for and receiving care, it also reduces our capacity to provide care. Additionally, we must be able to embrace our mortality (rather than trying to transcend it)…

3 essentials to maximize your experience at an event Blog Post image

3 Essentials to Maximize Your Experience at an Event

By Valerie Friedlander

These 3 essentials to maximize your experience at an event will keep your planning simple and ensure you get the most out of your investment of time, money, and energy.  Some of the obstacles to event ROI include overwhelm, self-doubt, shiny object, peer pressure, FOMO, and other such distractions. Additionally, the so called “mom guilt”…

Redefining Our Relationship to Productivity Blog Cover Image

Redefining Our Relationship to Productivity

By Valerie Friedlander

Redefining our relationship to productivity is a necessary component of preventing burnout and cultivating well-being. Our current societal relationship to productivity is built on the Industrial Revolution era conception of work ethic. This conception wraps our value into what we can produce, dehumanizing us in the process. In order to rehumanize our relationship to our…

Tending Your Self-Relationship Blog Cover

Tending Your Self-Relationship through Values & Shadow Work

By Valerie Friedlander

Tending your self-relationship through values & shadow work helps you engages the roots of your motivation and how you live your life. Our values form the basis of our core motivations. Shadow work helps us acknowledge and heal the wounds that inhibit awareness and access to our full self. While we live in a world…

Cultivating Collaboration Over Competition blog cover image

Cultivating Collaboration Over Competition

By Valerie Friedlander

Cultivating collaboration over competition is essential in today’s interconnected world. We don’t exist in a vacuum; our social understanding and discernment must be engaged collectively. The spaces we inhabit, like social media platforms, exert significant influence on our interactions, sometimes more than our intentions to be collaborative versus competitive. The Religious Society of Friends, commonly…