Unlimited is a podcast for badass women who are on a journey to release learned limitations and live a more present, fun, and intentional life.

Tune in for inspiration and tools to help you reach for the stars while keeping your feet on the ground.

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Unlimited Podcast episodes:

Learning Self-Advocacy to Strengthen Collective Action Blog Cover

Learning Self-Advocacy to Strengthen Collective Action

By Valerie Friedlander

Learning self-advocacy to strengthen collective action is a critical component of sustainable social change. Those of us socialized as women are often conditioned to prioritize supporting others, which can make self-advocacy more difficult. However, by connecting to our own value and values, and speaking up for ourselves even when it’s uncomfortable, we lead by example…

Embracing Periods of Reflection Blog Cover Image

Embracing Periods of Reflection

By Valerie Friedlander

Embracing periods of reflection, introspection, and processing is a crucial but often overlooked and devalued aspect of personal and societal growth and change. To create real shifts in the world’s imbalances, we must first engage with the internalized patterns and conditioning that hold us back. This self-work not only deepens the impact of our efforts,…

Being Intentional with When to Say Yes Podcast Blog Cover

Being Intentional with When to Say Yes

By Valerie Friedlander

Being intentional with when to say yes isn’t just considering yes vs no.  Intentionality also involves how you engage internal resistance to what you say you want to do. There are many reasons you might experience tension and resistance even when you want to do something. First, it could highlight an area that needs clarification…

Supporting Changes in Your Life Blog Cover

Supporting Changes in Your Life

By Valerie Friedlander

Supporting Changes in your life means reconnecting to your power in your relationship to change. It allows you to transform the patterns that aren’t serving you during the transition period, rather than carrying them with you into a new space. Unfortunately, what often happens is that changes in our life feel in some way like…

Collaborative Leadership from Boardroom to Patient-Centered Caregiving Blog Cover Image

Collaborative Leadership from Boardroom to Patient-Centered Caregiving

By Valerie Friedlander

Collaborative Leadership from Boardroom to Patient-Centered Caregiving is essential for fostering effective relationships between CEOs and board members, as well as between healthcare professionals and patients. This approach not only enhances organizational dynamics but also improves patient outcomes by prioritizing communication, trust, and shared goals. By empowering all stakeholders and embracing transparency, collaborative leadership creates…

Micro-Actions to Manifest Big Change Blog Cover Image

Micro-Actions to Manifest Big Change

By Valerie Friedlander

Micro-actions to manifest big change is key because we can often feel overwhelmed by the changes we want to make in our own life, let alone the change we’d like to see in the world. The best part is micro-actions naturally build on themselves. First and most obviously, they provide momentum as you do the…

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