What people have said after previous workshops:

I thought I’d “been there, done that,” as I’ve completed more than a few visioning exercises in my day but working with Valerie something inside me "got it" for the first time. Basically, this is not just a vision activity, it’s an aligned life strategy. Valerie pushes you past what you’ve already seen and gets you into possibility – moving you beyond what you’ve been able to imagine in the past.
- Melissa L.
I highly recommend Valerie as a coach. I also recommend her workshops. That's actually the venue through which I decided to hire her. I had attended two and each time walked away with an incredibly helpful nugget that I could start applying right away.
- Kira M.
I went to this Life Visioning Workshop that Valerie Friedlander hosted not really knowing what to expect and it was fantastic! I immediately understood what I needed to change in my life and where I am headed. I had no idea it would be that good!
- Jane L.
When I host a webinar or "masterclass," I present it like a training for you to watch. There's interaction and I take questions but it's mostly me talking and you listening, making it recordable and re-watchable.
A workshop requires your active participation. In it, I do some teaching but am mostly guiding you in an activity and holding space for your process. I do not record this for a replay and, if you are comfortable doing so, I encourage you to have your camera on.
At minimum, just you and a computer with audio and video capacity and access to the internet. You will need to be able to join a Zoom and search for photos on something like Google or Pinterest.
You may WANT to also have physical art supplies such as a piece of paper and coloring utensils (crayons, markers, colored pencils or pens, etc) or even magazines, sissors, and glue. However, this is NOT required.
I want anyone who can benefit from this work to have access to it - regardless of their financial status. Many people are struggling right now and I don't want that circumstance to hold anyone back.
I am committed to inclusivity and accessibility and believe money is about sustainability, not status. Holding workshops in this way is part of how I honor these values.
The recommended $75 is to give you a contribution guide. Those who can give more help me support those who can give less.
Any contribution, even just the $15 minimum, will be received with no questions, lots of gratitude, and zero judgement.
Can't make this time or all the spots filled up?
If you wanted to attend but are unable for any reason, let me know!
I do plan to host more workshops and levels of interest will determine which ones I repeat at a later date.
So, let your voice be heard! Send me a message on social @unlimitedcoachval or email me at valerie@valeriefriedlander.com
About your host:
Hey there! I'm Valerie.
I'm a Life/Business Alignment Coach with a background of over 20 years of science and spiritually based personal development, including coaching certifications and mediation training.
I love supporting fellow female identifying entrepreneurs, Moms, and world-changing women.
Working together, we optimize all areas of your life, so your energy is focused, you follow through on your goals, and you nurture relationships as your best self.
Outside of coaching you can find me hanging with the fam, working on an art project, or nerding out with a sci-fi, fantasy, or comic book movie.
I'm also host of the podcast, Unlimited. (Check it out HERE)