How to Create A Plan You’ll Follow Through On
How to create a plan you’ll follow through on starts with setting a clear foundation for that plan. Many clients come to me when they aren’t following through on achieving something they want. Even when they have a plan, they still aren’t doing what they think they need to do to achieve it. Once we dig in the reason is usually based in a lack of clarity around what they really want. Or more specifically, the motivation underneath what they think they want. Without that clarity, most people end up creating a plan that is misaligned. Misalignment will naturally create additional resistance to taking action, which adds to the stress inherent in change.
In this episode of Unlimited, I explore what it looks like to create an aligned plan that supports follow through to achieve your goals.
Some of what I talk about in this episode includes:
- Being vs Doing
- The question to stop asking
- Structure of a plan
- The importance of buffer time
- Staying accountable without shame
- Planning for distractions
What’s Killing My Motivation episode
Valerie’s Resources Page
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