Dealing with Impostor Syndrome
Dealing with impostor syndrome is a topic commonly and historically focused on working women. Most women have experienced the feelings of self-doubt and fear of not being good enough despite their accomplishments. Of course, working women aren’t the only ones who experience self-doubt. So, why are we the focus for this topic? We are social beings and our understanding of ourselves is generated in large part from our interactions with others. The experience of what is called impostor syndrome indicates a disconnect between how you see yourself and how you believe others see you. What if how others see you is based on bias, rather than having anything to do with you? The experience of impostor syndrome is certainly personal. However, it is not always or only an individual mindset issue.
In this episode of Unlimited, I explore the individual and social dynamics of impostor syndrome and what you can do about it.
Some of what I talk about in this episode includes:
- What is impostor syndrome
- 5 types of impostor syndrome
- Societal norms and workplace trauma
- Unlearning internalized impostorism
- Practices to support being you
Stop Telling Women They Have Impostor Syndrome (A Harvard Business Review article)
What is Impostor Syndrome (Merriam Webster article)
Impostor Syndrome – (Healthline article)
Impostor Syndrome and Social Anxiety Disorder (A Well Mind article)
Shift from Drained to Motivated (Unlimited Podcast episode)
Out of Doubt & Into Action Workbook
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