Mindset Unlimited is a podcast for high-achieving women seeking to release learned limitations and reconnect to their intuition.

Tune in for inspiration, insights, and strategies to live a more present, connected, and intentional life.

Unlimited is a member of the Feminist Podcasters Collective. We’re 30 independent podcasters serving up thought-provoking, informative, and fun content with the shared goal of uplifting diverse voices and driving meaningful change. We are committed to this shared mission and our values of inclusivity, generosity, simplicity, kindness, integrity, and chill. To learn more about the collective and our podcasts CLICK HERE

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Unlimited Podcast episodes:

Identifying Your True Goals Blog Post Cover

Identifying Your True Goals: Finding and Leading from Your Truth Center

By Valerie Friedlander

Identifying your true goals is the starting point to transforming your life from the inside out. In this powerful episode of Mindset Unlimited, I sit down with fellow Chicago-based life coach, Amy Pons, to unpack the powerful journey of breaking through learned limitations and discovering your authentic path. We explore how to lead from your…

Navigating Change in the New Year Blog Cover

Navigating Change in the New Year

By Valerie Friedlander

Navigating change in the new year without the overwhelm can feel like a lot—especially when life feels messy, uncertain, or heavy. Real change starts with understanding the waters we swim in (ie the pressures of our social norms) and engaging our internalized patterns as well as the emotions and discomfort of stepping into the unknown.…

Healing Our Relationship with Attention blog cover

Healing Our Relationship With Attention

By Valerie Friedlander

Healing Our Relationship with Attention begins with noticing the ways in which our natural need for attention has been damaged. In a society that commodifies attention and polices who and what is allowed attention, we develop a distorted relationship with a core aspect of how we connect to each other. This disconnection feeds feelings of…

Responsive Practices to Create a Supportive Relationship with Your Teen Blog Cover

Responsive Practices to Create a Supportive Relationship with Your Teen

By Valerie Friedlander

Responsive practices to create a supportive relationship with your teen starts with learning to stop assuming and start listening. It also involves acknowledging your own inner child’s unhealed wounds so that you can create space in yourself to hold space for another. These wounds often become activated when we see them mirrored in our children’s…

Navigating Tough Conversations with Emotional Awareness Blog Cover

Navigating Tough Conversations with Emotional Awareness

By Valerie Friedlander

Navigating tough conversations with emotional awareness is a critical skill as we are all likely to need to engage difficult dialogues, especially during this time of heightened political and social tensions. These types of conversations can be emotionally taxing, and it’s important we approach them with both strong self-awareness and self-care. Our ability to show…

Learning Self-Advocacy to Strengthen Collective Action Blog Cover

Learning Self-Advocacy to Strengthen Collective Action

By Valerie Friedlander

Learning self-advocacy to strengthen collective action is a critical component of sustainable social change. Those of us socialized as women are often conditioned to prioritize supporting others, which can make self-advocacy more difficult. However, by connecting to our own value and values, and speaking up for ourselves even when it’s uncomfortable, we lead by example…

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Membership starts at only $5/month with the option to contribute more, if able and desired.

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The Unlimited Podcast Playlist

Each guest on the Unlimited podcast shares the song(s) they listen to when they want to evoke the feeling of being unlimited. Valerie has compiled all these songs into a playlist in the order of most recent interview.

Click the image to listen to the Spotify playlist for all these songs.

Valerie Friedlander Podcast Interviews

Valerie has been interviewed on a number of other podcasts speaking on topics such as our collective obsession with productivity, letting go of shame, and even an interview with her and her husband on expectations.

Click the image to find them on this Spotify playlist.