Setting Holiday Boundaries
Setting holiday boundaries is an important skill to have to be able to enjoy the holidays. Boundaries are often difficult this time but especially this time of year. The word boundaries is used a lot in the personal development space but not always explained clearly. Understanding is key to feeling empowered to set supportive boundaries.
In this episode of Unlimited, the podcast, I’m diving into how to set healthy boundaries in general and specifically how to set holiday boundaries, especially as we navigate the Covid19 pandemic.
Some of what I’ll cover in this episode include:
- Understanding when we need to set them
- How to actually set them
- Communicating with our families
- Navigating holiday and Covid relationships with ease
Healthy boundaries create space and freedom. They are empowering because there’s a responsibility and self-awareness that comes with the process of setting them. We’ll definitely be talking about boundaries a lot more, so be sure to tune in to all the episodes to receive tons of practical tips on how to set healthy supportive boundaries in your life.
Thank you for listening!
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