Welcome to Unlimited

Welcome to Unlimited! This podcast is for badass women who are on a journey to move beyond their learned limitations to live present, fun, and impactful lives. It’s about reaching for the stars while keeping your feet on the ground. I’m your host, Valerie Friedlander, CPC, ELI-MP. I’m a certified life/business alignment coach with over…

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You Are NOT Too Much

You are NOT too much. Society constantly feeds women the message that we’re too much something or another. These messages are designed to keep us playing small. To keep us “in our place.” It’s time to deprogram our internalization of these stories. When I was young, I knew I was amazing. I was creative. I…

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Sustaining a healthy marriage

Hi lovely Mamas! Today we are continuing our conversation about relationships. And we are talking about intimate relationships such as with your spouse or significant other. As we all know, they change rather dramatically sometimes when we bring children into the picture. And this is because of a variety of reasons. Some of the key…

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Creating a Good Relationship With Your Kids

Creating a good relationship with your kids is something most parents want. Of course we all want to be an amazing parent for them. We want to help guide them, nurture them and support them. We’d also really like them learn from our mistakes and all the trials we’ve been through so we can keep…

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Releasing Perfectionism as a Multi-Passionate Mom

Smiling Woman In Fun Hat

Releasing perfectionism as a multi-passionate Mom has been a big challenge in my life. Consciously, I believe that the most perfect you can be is authentically you and being authentically you is totally awesome! The thing is, there are times when I’ve struggled to embrace being perfectly authentic for me. Times when I tried really…

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What’s Wrong With the “Power of Positivity”?

What’s wrong with the “power of positivity?” Well, nothing intrinsically. The problem is actually judgment. Most people equate positivity with “good” and negativity with “bad.” This thinking leads many of us to deny, avoid, and beat themselves up over “negative” emotions and thoughts. I see this time and again with Moms and have experienced it…

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The 4 Letter Word We Need to Stop Treating As Taboo

The 4 letter word we need to stop treating as taboo: HELP

That’s right, I’m talking about HELP. When my first child was born we had issues breastfeeding. It took two weeks of misery, tears, frustration, including a trip to the hospital for jaundice, pumping to get my supply back up because he wasn’t actually nursing and constant breakdowns before I finally hired a lactation consultant. She…

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Supportive vs Over-Protective Parenting

Being supportive vs over-protective in my parenting is important to me because I want my kids to learn resiliency. Life is hard sometimes. People can be mean. They are going to face challenges and I want them to have tools to navigate in a way that honors who they are. Some of this means confronting…

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Dealing with Disappointment

Dealing with disappointment is emotionally painful and is often something we want to avoid. Yet, disappointment is a normal part of life, especially when trying new things. It’s important to know how to walk through it both so we don’t avoid doing things we want to do and to be an example for others (like…

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