Unlimited is a podcast for high-achieving women seeking to release learned limitations and reconnect to their intuition.

Tune in for inspiration, insights, and strategies to live a more present, connected, and intentional life.

Unlimited is a member of the Feminist Podcasters Collective. We’re 30 independent podcasters serving up thought-provoking, informative, and fun content with the shared goal of uplifting diverse voices and driving meaningful change. We are committed to this shared mission and our values of inclusivity, generosity, simplicity, kindness, integrity, and chill. To learn more about the collective and our podcasts CLICK HERE

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Unlimited Podcast episodes:

Understanding the 5 Love Languages Blog Cover

Understanding the 5 Love Languages

By Valerie Friedlander

Understanding the 5 Love Languages has helped facilitate communication for many people but it has numerous limitations. While the 5 Love Languages has become an extremely popular relationship tool, it’s not a fix-all and it may not be the right approach for everyone. What about this tool makes it helpful and where it falls short…

Building a Relationship to Pleasure and Intimacy Blog Cover Image

Building a Relationship to Pleasure and Intimacy

By Valerie Friedlander

Building a relationship to pleasure and intimacy takes a lot of intention in this society that still treats talking about sex as taboo. So many people struggle with intimacy due to lack of communication, trauma, and societal conditioning to disconnect from their bodies and desires. Improving intimacy requires us to unlearn harmful norms and relearn…

Creating Healthy Relationships blog cover image

Creating Healthy Relationships

By Valerie Friedlander

Creating healthy relationships in all areas of our life is the focus of this season of Unlimited. A relationship is how we relate to another person, place, thing, or even concept. How we relate to ourselves is at the core of how we relate to others. Yet, how we understand and relate to ourselves is…

Season 3 Wrap-up and New Year Transition Tips Blog Cover Image

Season 3 Wrap-up & New Year Transition Tips

By Valerie Friedlander

Discover valuable New Year transition tips in this Season 3 wrap-up for the Unlimited Podcast. The period between one cycle and the next is a great time to reflect both on where you’ve been and where you’re going. It’s important to create supportive space to engage and focus that reflection. You can set that foundation…

Aligning with your astrology blog cover

Aligning With Your Astrology

By Valerie Friedlander

Aligning with your astrology is a way to explore what works for you. From new year plans to parenting, it’s one thing to recognize that there’s no one size fits all, but it can be hard to step outside the norms without some kind of framework to work from. Not to mention, it’s even harder…

Accessing the True Power of Gratitude Blog Cover

Accessing the True Power of Gratitude

By Valerie Friedlander

Accessing the true power of gratitude requires going beyond the individual mindset approach that is typically referenced. Expressions of gratitude have been observed among many communally based species. It supports group functioning. Thus, the true power of gratitude is in collective connection, not individual mindset. Studies show that there are a plethora of benefits to…

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Membership starts at only $5/month with the option to contribute more, if able and desired.

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The Unlimited Podcast Playlist

Each guest on the Unlimited podcast shares the song(s) they listen to when they want to evoke the feeling of being unlimited. Valerie has compiled all these songs into a playlist in the order of most recent interview.

Click the image to listen to the Spotify playlist for all these songs.

Valerie Friedlander Podcast Interviews

Valerie has been interviewed on a number of other podcasts speaking on topics such as our collective obsession with productivity, letting go of shame, and even an interview with her and her husband on expectations.

Click the image to find them on this Spotify playlist.