Posts by Valerie Friedlander
Toxic Positivity
Toxic positivity is a hot topic right now because the growing awareness of its presence in the health and wellness industry. It’s used as a way to spoof life coaching in the media and I’ve even had someone at a networking event assume I’d agree that a positive attitude would cure illnesses such as Covid.…
Read MoreHow Do I Find What I Really Want?
A single woman in her early 40’s who loves to sing, dance, craft, and cook was contemplating starting a business in performance until the Coronapocolypse began. She’s trying to use this time now for introspection and personal development while also balancing a fulfilling but low-paying day job with paying student loans and renovating a house. She…
Read MoreLearning to Trust Ourselves
How much do you trust yourself to make decisions? As women, we especially are taught in both subtle and not so subtle ways not to trust ourselves. We are given messages over and over again that we don’t know enough, that we don’t do enough, that we aren’t enough. (Then, when we ARE true to…
Read MoreFeeling Confident Being Visible
This gifted intuitive is tired of just “getting by” in a job she doesn’t feel spiritually or emotionally fulfilled by. She recently became certified as a crystal practitioner and is working toward a tarot certification and wants to start a business but struggles to believe she really can. As a recovering alcoholic she’s done a…
Read MoreOwning Your Worth
Married, mom of a 3-year-old wants to make a career shift but is feeling stuck as to how. She had a near-death experience after her son’s birth that rearranged her priorities and inspired the non-profit she started. She has a Ph.D. in virology and is working on her Masters in Public Health but has been…
Read MorePlanting Seeds to Take Confident Action
We are right between winter and spring equinox, which is a time for preparing seeds to plant for the year. The next few coaching sessions I’m sharing in the next few weeks all centered around finding not only clarity to take action but uncovering the hidden blocks to the confidence that were ultimately preventing that…
Read MoreBreaking through Paralysis by Analysis
Breaking through paralysis by analysis is the goal of my client in this recorded session. She is a multi-passionate entrepreneur and married mom of 2 who wants to create a new branch of her business but is lost in the weeds of how. A self-identified “ideas person” she’s been stuck in analysis paralysis for months…
Read MoreClarifying Next Steps
Clarifying next steps in some facet of life (or life as a whole) is a primary focus of coaching. “What is coaching?” is a question I get asked a lot and I talk about it in episode #1 but it’s one thing to talk about and another thing to experience. So, I put out an…
Read MoreRelearning Self-Love
Relearning self-love is critical right now, especially when the world feels heavy. There is A LOT going on but you don’t want to get sucked into a pit of despair. You want to be a light in the darkness. You want to show up for the people who you love and the things that really…
Read MoreGetting Comfortable in the Uncomfortable
Neuroscience shows that it is possible for us to develop new neuronal networks but that doesn’t mean change is easy. Actually, the only sure thing is that it isn’t – it’s uncomfortable, confusing, and takes work. Yet we’re in a time that is inviting us, actually more like shoving us, into change. That we show…
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