Unlimited is a podcast for high-achieving women seeking to release learned limitations and reconnect to their intuition.

Tune in for inspiration, insights, and strategies to live a more present, connected, and intentional life.

Unlimited is a member of the Feminist Podcasters Collective. We’re 30 independent podcasters serving up thought-provoking, informative, and fun content with the shared goal of uplifting diverse voices and driving meaningful change. We are committed to this shared mission and our values of inclusivity, generosity, simplicity, kindness, integrity, and chill. To learn more about the collective and our podcasts CLICK HERE

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Unlimited Podcast episodes:

Seven Steps to Mindful Time Management Blog image

Seven Steps to Mindful Time Management

By Valerie Friedlander

Seven steps to mindful time management sounds simple and, in some ways, it is, but it isn’t what you think. It’s not about tips for the best productivity hacks, habits to manage your time wisely, or tools to schedule yourself for optimal effectiveness. It actually starts with acknowledging that we have an unhealthy view of…

What's Killing My Motivation Blog Post Image

What’s Killing My Motivation?

By Valerie Friedlander

What’s killing my motivation and how do I fix it are two questions many clients come to me with. They usually have something they want and can’t seem to get themselves to DO what they need to do to get it. There are lots of reasons they think are the problem – they don’t know…

The myths around productivity blog cover image

The Myths Around Productivity

By Valerie Friedlander

The myths around productivity are hurting both your productivity AND your mental health. Mythologies always have a purpose for being created and usually to explain something or to illustrate a cultural ideal. These myths of productivity were generated to turn abusive labor practices into an internalized cultural ideal that we then perpetuate upon ourselves. We’ve…

Empowering Evolution in Your Work blog image

Empowering Evolution in Your Work

By Valerie Friedlander

Empowering evolution in your work is first and foremost about recognizing that you CAN evolve. You are not confined to what you currently know or the way you currently are or even what you’ve done in the past. With that belief, each choice becomes an opportunity to evolve into MORE the person you want to…

Do You Feel Called To Get Involved blog image

Do You Feel Called To Get Involved In Local Government?

By Valerie Friedlander

Many women feel called to get involved in their local government. Women and other minorities are drastically under-represented on all levels of government. Most of us agree the consequences of this are highly problematic. We want to contribute to make our communities a better place, but we typically opt for volunteer opportunities over running for…

Leading With Growth Mindset blog cover

Leading With Growth Mindset

By Valerie Friedlander

Leading with Growth Mindset takes a certain amount of willingness to be vulnerable. Why? Because it means you own your mistakes. This isn’t easy in a society dominated by fixed mindset, which feeds the idea that if you make a mistake then you ARE a mistake. Fixed mindset leads to constantly trying to prove good…

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Membership starts at only $5/month with the option to contribute more, if able and desired.

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The Unlimited Podcast Playlist

Each guest on the Unlimited podcast shares the song(s) they listen to when they want to evoke the feeling of being unlimited. Valerie has compiled all these songs into a playlist in the order of most recent interview.

Click the image to listen to the Spotify playlist for all these songs.

Valerie Friedlander Podcast Interviews

Valerie has been interviewed on a number of other podcasts speaking on topics such as our collective obsession with productivity, letting go of shame, and even an interview with her and her husband on expectations.

Click the image to find them on this Spotify playlist.