Unlimited is a podcast for badass women who are on a journey to release learned limitations and live a more present, fun, and intentional life.

Tune in for inspiration and tools to help you reach for the stars while keeping your feet on the ground.

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Dealing With Burnout Blog Cover

Dealing With Burnout Beyond the 9 to 5

By Valerie Friedlander

Dealing with burnout exists beyond the 9-5, thought we mostly hear it talked about in relation to being an employee for a company. In most studies, the number one factor identified as the cause of burnout is a boss. Many entrepreneurs leave the corporate burnout culture in order to have the freedom and fulfillment of…

Learning and Living Outside the Box with Tiana Kubik

By Valerie Friedlander

Learning and living outside the box makes the ability to think outside the box SO much more natural. However, while thinking outside the box is considered an asset in entrepreneurship and business, it’s isn’t very supported when it comes to education or how we do life. Our society gets so caught up in measuring sticks,…

Learn How to Apologize

By Valerie Friedlander

Learn how to apologize meaningfully, if you truly want to be in integrity. Otherwise, you will likely end up repeating the harm that led to the need for an apology in the first place. We’ve seen this recently with a number of highly visible people. This isn’t surprising since, like so most aspects of relating…

Stop Being Nice and Start Being Resilient

Stop Being Nice and Start Being Resilient

By Valerie Friedlander

We need to stop being nice and start being resilient. Hurt feelings happen. However, we’ve been trained to avoid them, rather than how to process and deal with them in a productive way. This leads to codependent behaviors on an individual level and feeds problematic power dynamics on a societal level. Corporate culture etiquette emphasizes…

Supporting Your Relationship With YOU

By Valerie Friedlander

The number one relationship in your life is the one you have with yourself. It influences how you experience and engage every other relationship be it with people, situations, or resources. Interestingly though, your relationship with yourself is also built by all your other relationships. Most of the dynamics of your self-relationship happen in the…

Healing from Toxic Money Stories

By Valerie Friedlander

Money stories. Many of the ones our society is swimming in are toxic. In order to change those stories and create healthier structures, we need to consciously engage them as individuals. I have many clients who are working to step out of lack mentality and create a greater sense of abundance in their life. They…

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