Unlimited is a podcast for badass women who are on a journey to release learned limitations and live a more present, fun, and intentional life.

Tune in for inspiration and tools to help you reach for the stars while keeping your feet on the ground.

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Unlimited Podcast episodes:

Fantastic Emotions and Where to Find Them Blog Cover

Fantastic Emotions and Where to Find Them

By Valerie Friedlander

Fantastic emotions and where to find them guides you to where you begin to access your power within your emotions. You often hear emotions spoken of as powerful. However, it’s really YOU who are powerful. The problem is we aren’t taught to understand the dynamics of our emotions. Instead, we are conditioned to avoid unpleasant…

Deep Self Care to Shift Habits blog cover image

Deep Self Care to Shift Habits

By Valerie Friedlander

Deep self-care is necessary to shift habits in an effective and healthy way. The “stop it” or “just do it” model often isn’t sustainable and can even be harmful. Habits make up a lot of the way we show up in life. Thus, they can become confused with personality and limit what we believe possible.…

Do You Want To Build A Habit blog cover image

Do You Want To Build A Habit?

By Valerie Friedlander

Do you want to build a habit? Or does the idea stress you out? Habits are often a focal point in conversations around personal development, business development, career development, etc. When we talk about habits the conversation is usually about changing them and the emphasis is on control. These conversations are often full of sense…

Give Yourself A Break Blog Post Cover

Give Yourself A Break

By Valerie Friedlander

Give yourself a break, you are not a machine. Hustle culture tells us that we should have everything planned, systematized, and organized. It says that, if you do this well enough, then you will be successful, happy, and stress-free. But failure is part of growth. Unhappiness, discomfort, anger, overwhelm, etc. are normal emotions when it’s…

Finding Time to Proactively Plan

By Valerie Friedlander

Finding time to proactively plan is hard in a world where our attention is constantly in demand. It is especially difficult to find time to plan when your plan involves doing something new. First, you must navigate a society designed to keep you busy – physically busy, mentally busy, emotionally busy. Second, you must face…

How To Create A Plan You'll Follow Through On blog cover

How to Create A Plan You’ll Follow Through On

By Valerie Friedlander

How to create a plan you’ll follow through on starts with setting a clear foundation for that plan. Many clients come to me when they aren’t following through on achieving something they want. Even when they have a plan, they still aren’t doing what they think they need to do to achieve it. Once we…

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